To help us to understand the carbon impact of different materials we translated 1m3 of different materials into quantities that make sense to us - Food and Cycling!

Based on our previous research with Londonon and using the HBert Tool developed by Hawkins\Brown we worked out how many bowls of Onion Soup could be made with the same amount of energy needed to make 1 m3 of each material.

These bowls can then provide enough calories to fuel the most efficient/sustainable form of transport - cycling. In the case of a material like aluminium 1m3 is enough to cycle 63,4440 kms, or to get to and from work for 10.5 years...

We started by taking the same amount of four different materials We started by taking the same amount of four different materials, and calculated the embodied carbon impact of each material
Measuring how far you can cycle
How many bowls of soup could you make?
The embodied carbon impact of each material

Mearuing Materials