Feeding the City: What is good food?

Food is a fundamental to sustain life, but is also much more than just a meal. Our food system plays a vital part in London’s social and economic structure, effecting health, wellbeing, academic achievement, and prosperity, and has significant environmental consequences.

As part of emerging planning guidance, the Draft London Food Strategy sets out a ‘call to action’ to ‘see what good food can do’ to create healthier lives, better jobs, thriving producers, cleaner environment, and better social connections. Through a cross disciplinary panel discussion we would like to interrogate what recalibrating the importance of food in our approach to designing cities could mean, and what methods could be used to achieve this.

This panel discussion was part of the London Festival of Architecture programme in 2019


Anna Taylor

Gejan Mitrovic

Maria Smith

Arthur Potts Dawson

Elly Ward

Feeding the City Exhibition boards that accompanied the panel discussion
Circular Economy Principles
SITE Part of the presentation given by Elly Ward
Panel discussion
Our definition of good food Part of the presentation from Claire Pritchard from the London Food Board
Dissecting our food systems One of the slides from the keynote talk from Department 22
Feeding the City: Panel Discussion

Test Voices Entry