Commercial redevelopment of a key city block, incorporating the local existing urban grain of Victorian east London.

Noé Group / LION Portfolio Ltd.
49,800 sqft

+ A new high-quality building offering office accommodation, ground floor retail, a gym and affordable workspace.
+ Connects to the growing local network of retail and hopitality establishments on offer to the public and building users nearby.
+ Two typologies are applied to the site: the ‘Showroom’, containing the main entrances and front-of-house elements and the the ‘Factory’, a more utilitarian side of the building containing the main core.
+BREEAM Outstanding and WELL: Platinum targeted.
+ Net Zero carbon targeted, with a commitment to NABERS and Design For Performance process.

“The architectural approach, detailing and materiality offers a richness and overall appearance that will enhance the immediate context of the site...echoing but not replicating the language of the past"
Design Officer, LB Islington

March 2024 Castle & Fitzroy Granted planning consent by Islington Council, for new 350,000 sqft commercial development
Facade details
Facade details
Bay components
Bay option
Bay option
Bay option
Bay option
Bay option
Bay option
Bay option
Bay option
Bay option
Facade study
Facade details Raised coping
Entrance study Stepped scallop
Entrance door Curved doorcas
Entrance studies
Cyclist entrance
Arrival sequence
Internal sketch
Meeting space sketch
Communal space sketch
Gound floor sketch
Atrium sketch
Exploring atrium options
Exploring atrium options
Modelling the atrium
Axonometric floorplates
Ground floor axo
Ground and first floor axo
Ground floor axonometric development
Core variations
Retrofit options
Proposed massing
Experimenting with massing
Block and ground massing variation
Experimenting with massing
Investigating the local context Analysis into the area and how that can be distilled into our design
Understanding the project in situ
Clere St elevation
Epworth St elevation
Paul St elevation
Contextual axo

Castle & Fitzroy