Collaborative scheme to densify a post-war estate, creating over 80 new homes and improving its setting and permeability.

London Borough of Camden
Holborn, London
£28 million

  • Part of Camden’s 15-year Community Investment Programme (CIP)
  • Densification of post-war estate to deliver new homes to those on council waiting list
  • Team includes Morris + Company, Mae, Avanti Architects and Camlins
  • Site-wide strategy will create over 80 new homes
  • Consultation with residents to ensure plans reflect their needs
  • Tenure mix includes affordable and private homes, 10% of which are wheelchair accessible
  • Proposals include public realm – play areas, landscape and pedestrian routes
Site model photograph The model shows the various interventions (in white) of the scheme in this central neighborhood in Holborn
Aerial model photograph New Mews and Bookend blocks and roof extension over existing building
Brick elevation model Detail of the entrance showing the brickwork, spandrel panels around windows and balustrades
Perspective sketch A look into the courtyard
Aerial sketch View over the mews' rooftop communal garden
Perspective sketch Street view of the Mews from the courtyard
Street sketch Approach from Orde Hall Street and view of Blemundsbury Bookend block
Visual notes Work-in-progress ideas to express the materiality and character of the proposal in relation of the site
Tybalds Concept Sketch showing the visual relevance of the bookend blocks in the corners
Elevation Study Models testing the rhythm and composition of the openings in a typical Mews bay elevation
Penline Elevation Study Studying the architectural character of the existing street
Penline Elevation Study 2 Drawn elevation showing the scale and ground levels of the existing buildings
Coloured elevation study Drawn elevation as study of the facade composition on the existing buildings
Tybalds Masterplan Site plan of the proposed intervention
Existing housing block View of the site with the prominent residential tower facing the playground

Tybalds Estate