An early twentieth century warehouse, stripped back and celebrated as a workplace for media and tech companies.

Derwent London
Clerkenwell, London
12,000 square feet

“The design process was inclusive and fluent, culminating in a final presentation incorporating numerous on-site mockups, visuals and samples which added a touch of realism and helped us visualise the final scheme proposals.” Simon Silver, Derwent London
  • Sensitive context in a Clerkenwell conservation area
  • Building is one of a cluster owned by Derwent London around a newly landscaped central courtyard
  • Wayfinding designed as bespoke wall-mounted light fittings
  • Successive layers of occupation peeled away to expose hidden qualities of original building
  • Exercise in economy of effort and cost

Client: Derwent London
Structural Engineer: Akera Engineers
Services Engineer: GDM Partnership

Hardwick Street Steel installation
Views Outside An internal view of the external wall of the workspace and the historical context beyond.
Original Brickwork revealing a patina of colours and chips that have formed over time.
Completition An image of the interior workspace.
Perspective View Looking down the central staircase.
Testing Service Routes & Finishes Testing a composition of stair, wall & ceiling finishes with the light fittings.
An Internal Elevation testing lighting and fan coil unit locations in relation to glazing and columns.
A Rational Grid An elevation material study tests colours of metal work and the roof extension facade.
Ground Floor Plan illustrating the large spans and bay windows of the warehouse structure.
