A terrace of eight, brick-clad mews houses within the Wildernesse Estate retirement community.

Pegasus Life
Sevenoaks, Kent
8 units

  • Ensemble with other new-builds, the listed mansion and adjacent existing ice house
  • Draws from architectural language of former stable yard on the site
  • Strong visual connections to surrounding landscape
  • Features such as shared planters encourage interaction with other residents
  • Warm material palette of timber, brick and reconstituted stone

Client: Pegasus Life
Structural Engineer: Peter Brett Associates
Services Engineer: Max Fordham
Landscape Consultant: Camlins

Process models Testing out variations for the mews and restaurant adjacent to the main house
Etching of Wildernesse House and Park In 1847
Site Progress Mews is nearly complete!
Site Progress Coming along now
Sketch Floor plan-Preferred
Elevation In context with Wildernesse House in background
Ground Floor Plan
Site Plan
Sketch Looking North
Sketch Looking South
Sketch Looking West
Approach Analysis Nature and outdoor environments
Approach Analysis Activities within the site for residents
Approach Analysis Lyons Typology
Approach Analysis Utzorn typology
Approach Analysis Private vs communal care
Approach Analysis Incorporating communal activities
Approach Analysis A study of Private vs communal care.
Site visit Notes
Aerial View Looking South-Existing site.
Materials board Wood selection
Elevation studies
